Cardamom is considered tridoshic, which means it’s great for balancing all dosha types.
Feel free to adjust this recipe by adding spices that support your particular dosha.
Prepare and sip throughout the day.
8 cups water
1 handful mint
½ cup fennel seeds
½ cup cardamom seeds
Step 2. Add the mint, fennel seeds, and cardamom seeds, and turn off the heat.
Step 3. Steep as the water cools.
Step 4. Enjoy at room temperature.
Serving: 1
Seasons: Fall/ Winter
Taste: Pungent, Sweet
Vatas can add cinnamon sticks for more digestive aid.
Pittas can add more fennel and mint to aid in cooling. Drink at room temperature or slightly chilled, not hot.
Kaphas can add ginger or lemon zest for more uplifting flavor.
Tip: Strain of the spices for lighter flavor or leave it as you sip throughout the day for the stronger flavor.
Cardamom is considered tridoshic, which means it’s great for balancing all dosha types.
Feel free to adjust this recipe by adding spices that support your particular dosha.
Prepare and sip throughout the day.
8 cups water
1 handful mint
½ cup fennel seeds
½ cup cardamom seeds
Step 1. Add water in a large pot, boil the water.Step 2. Add the mint, fennel seeds, and cardamom seeds, and turn off the heat.
Step 3. Steep as the water cools.
Step 4. Enjoy at room temperature.
Serving: 1Seasons: Fall/ Winter
Taste: Pungent, Sweet
Vatas can add cinnamon sticks for more digestive aid.
Pittas can add more fennel and mint to aid in cooling. Drink at room temperature or slightly chilled, not hot.
Kaphas can add ginger or lemon zest for more uplifting flavor.
Tip: Strain of the spices for lighter flavor or leave it as you sip throughout the day for the stronger flavor.
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